Sunday, 2 November 2008

The Plan

My map of the plot is upside down. The plot slopes slightly downwards, from the path which is above the top of the map, so I visualise it this way; looking from the bottom to the top. I tried drawing it the other way up, but had to turn it upside down to orient myself! I need to re-do it as it's not quite right at the top end and the measurements are all a bit rough, but it's useful to have an idea of the area.

It's actually a half plot. The Northern end is a small forest of trees kept by the main allotment holder, C. I was lucky to get this allotment. I rather side-stepped the usual waiting lists as an old friend of the family had me in mind when the previous sub-holder got her own full plot and C was looking for someone to take over this half-plot. I first went there on my birthday in 2007, so it felt like a pretty special and unexpected birthday present!

Unfortunately, until very recently, I could only ever get down at the weekends and even that not reliably, depending on household pressures, the little one's health and willingness to nap, and the weather. If the only time I could get there was Sunday afternoon and it rained most of Saturday and Sunday, well, that was that. However, from this year, things are looking up. I'm still working part time, but little A is at nursery full time. So, in theory, Fridays are free! It doesn't always work out that way, but I should be able to give more time to it this year.

I offered J a share in it, and it seemed to be going really well, he'd done a lot of digging and cleared and bagged a lot of weeds, but last weekend we ran into difficulties which haven't yet been resolved.

In the meantime, I'm hoping to get down there next weekend. It's another damp day today and according to Metcheck it's going to be bucketing down most of the week, but sunny on Saturday. Good timing for fireworks displays at the weekend too!

1 comment:

tobster said...

Good to see you are going to keep the alottment. Don't worry about production, just go tend the garden!!! We have been breezing through but appreciating the book, The Last Child in the Woods. Gardening is about feeling the dirt with your hands and watching squash grow into jars.. keep it up. keep writing too.