Saturday, 1 November 2008

Rainy Day

A handful of photos from the last couple of year's attempts at growing vegetables and herbs. Initially on the balcony, and later at the allotment.

It's been hard to find the time what with work, family, and the rain. It's raining again today. Last weekend R gave me a lift to take the new compost bin, cheap from a Council scheme, down there. I was hoping to get there this weekend to load it up with the weeds that have been piled up in the meantime, but it's looking doubtful in this downpour.

Of course it didn't help that we were away in August when there was lots to do and the weeds really took over. Our 'harvest' this year amounted to:
  • two large bowls of beautiful sweet strawberries;
  • some malformed garlic;
  • a couple of squashes
  • a dozen or so ears of corn (delicious);
  • a few pounds of quinces (hmmmm - quince jelly anyone?);
  • a bowlful of yellow cherry tomatoes (grown on the balcony);
  • one red cherry tomato (grown at the allotment, a neighbour congratulated me for beating their crop!);
  • a pound or so of shallots;
  • a bowl of scrumped blackberries
  • a bowl of scrumped, and very delicious, plums.
I think that was it! Not very impressive at all I'm afraid. Maybe this year will work out bettter.

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